About us
Let me tell you all about Kady's Kollars!
My name is Mindy, owner of Kady's Kollars, and Kady is my beautiful rescue dog. We call her Kady the 3-legged lady! She is my inspiration behind my business.
How it all started...
In 2011 I was working part time at a doggie daycare in Vail, Co. As much as I love animals, I really developed a passion for rescue dogs. I was privileged to be able to work with them. One day I wanted to do something special for the rescues, and I googled how to make a dog collar. I have always known how to sew and also got a degree in fashion merchandising. After my best attempt to make several collars, I surprised all the rescues with them! Amazed by all the collars, the owner of the daycare told me you have got to get a label on these things! Shortly after Kady's Kollars was born in 2012. My main goal being to always help rescue dogs...Each year a percentage of proceeds are donated to a rescue organization. Year after year my business kept growing. More events, new collar designs, lots of new customers, and lots of blood sweat and tears! Dedication and never giving up lead Kady's Kollars to where it is now. My business is my absolute passion! I will continue to provide amazing collars to all of you. Thank you for your support!